Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Confessions of a Chair Sniffer

So it turns out that despite my empassioned tweet, the internet at large is not sympathetic to my pleas for lolhelp. The only love I got was from Lorcan, who sent me this:

I've not had the best few days (uni deadlines will do that to a person) so I haven't been on the lookout for new lols. I did, however, manage to scrounge up a few and find some in my lolfolder.

Well I don't know about you, but it seems to me that it all goes down in Western Australian state parliament.

Liberal MPs have contacted The Sunday Times claiming a former Liberal female staffer was the victim of a "chair sniffing'' incident in Mr Buswell's parliamentary office when he was a deputy to former leader, Matt Birney, in 2006.

A 'victim of chair sniffing' you say? Whatever next?! I find it particularly amusing that the incident happened in 2006, and the 'bra snapping' incident also mentioned in the article happened in 2005. It's highly amusing, but is it news?

I got this picture off a blog I found after Googling 'Fillet'. I've lost the address, however.

Yes, Googling one's usernames is terribly vain. Call me what you will - just don't accuse me of chair-sniffing.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hmmmm... I'm noticing a bit of a trend. The people who don't regularly do their LOLs become youtube partners. This might be my last entry.

TheGadgetDude gets an iPhone... we suggest he also gets a room.

1938Superman has the final word on the spawn of FiveAwesome-ness...

Weird (Ineffective) Signs Be afraid, be VERY afraid!

- JohnOfJordan (who is thinking of changing his theme song; who is sick of begging people to watch his crappy videos; who is loving talking about himself in third person; who blames [and celebrates] Twitter!)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's All About Me!

I'm not feeling very funny these days, for very valid if not publically-available reasons. But the show must go on, as they say, and it's so true.

This week's edition is, if you hadn't guessed, all about me. Selfish, I know. All of the links and pictures I present for you relate to my life in one form or another. See if you can guess them all.

You can have this one for free: I have this realisation at least twice a month.

Speaking of realisations, ever has a sudden epiphany after watching a movie? You can probably find it here. Look around while you're at it, but beware: TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life.

Ah, Calvin and Hobbes comics. They really are peerless.

An oldie but a goodie: Cookie Monster asks, "Is me really monster?"

Oh boy.

Another week with no videos from me... I'll have a meatier lolpost for you all next week, hopefully.

Anyway ladies and gentlemen, have fun.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Legs Are Sore

Remember Tom from last Friday? He made a tweet this evening:

Also John's growly lolcat does not scare me. Bring on the grammar deficiency!
Oh lolcats! They will never let me down!

Obligatory video. This time with Katrina!

Finally, I found this incredibly amusing picture via The

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today's LOL is brought to you by...

Many thanks to the watchful eye of Dave for most of these LOLs.



The Crowd At A Rock Band

Friday, April 18, 2008


Ed: These lols come from my friend Tom. Tom and I have known each other since the beginning of highschool and we now attend the same university. I hope you enjoy his lols - I know I did!

There was was a Scotsman of old,
who drank whiskey, alone in the cold.
He reached for his cup,
Oh snap, you got limerick rolled.
There once was a buggy AI
Who decided her subject should die.
When the plot was uncovered,
The subjected discovered
That sadly the cake was a lie.

Randall Munroe is the source of much loling.
I wonder if anyone else will find this funny.

I just discovered this comic. This is the first one I saw, but I recommend starting at the beginning.

And finally, this one is more for my amusement than yours.

Thanks for letting me post my lols!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yes, I ate your cookie.


This'll be a short edition from me - life's more busy busy busy than usual. So let's get into it, with another comic excerpt. This one's from a 60s X-MEN comic, probably by the same artist as whichever blockhead drew the periscope strip I showed you weeks back.

Read the text, then if you need to, read it again.


A what-coloured vehicle?!

Now for a Calvin & Hobbes comic. This one's posted on my bedroom door.

And when I have a classroom, it will be stuck to my desk.
T-shirts can be funny. I own two t-shirts from Threadless, and will be ordering more in the near future. This one I like, but prolly wouldn't wear.
Umm, that's me taken care of for this week. I'll be more organised by next week.
Also, let's give Tom a warm welcome for tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Prodigal

The prodigal is back. Sorry about last week, but I can make up for it by introducing my friend Tom who can fill in for Friday this week if everyone's cool with that. He's shown me his lols and they're pretty good!

But now I've got a good two weeks worth of lols built up, so let's go.

I'm constantly surprised as to how humourous Wikipedia can be sometimes. This list of humourous units of measurement particularly tickles my funny-bone. Not sure how for-real most of these are (almost none of them have sources) they could have just been made up by some dude typing away on his computer, rather than by a magazine like MAD which was trying to by funny. You know, real fake units of humourous measurement.

Tyleroakley is my HERO!


Here are my two latest favourite Twitter posts. They both made me laugh, but for different reasons.

And that's all from me for now. I had some more lolcats, but they begged me to save them until next week.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Welcome To The Ghost Town

It's quiet. A little too quiet. Last week we only had three LOL days (out of the usual five). It seems Leuke is too old to LOL (yesterday was his 17th birthday). Rohan had to have the weekend off. Rumour has it university might keep Joel too busy to lol this week. And finally Rob is "away". He has internet access to talk to his friends on MSN. But not LOL. What could it all mean? ;)

Wanna Buy A Ghost?

And finally... Mr. Men Books Updated for 2008... including Mr. Bulimia and Mr. Anal Retentive

Well hopefully I will live to LOL another day.
Talk to you then.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday Already?

Today is Webcomic Edition, mostly because I've been watching the aforementioned Zero Punctuation reviews and practically nothing else.

We'll start with a little dark comedy, because I'm all for irony and dark comedy.

Perry Bible Fellowship comics are right up my alley.

This next comic I'd probably post up in my own classroom somewhere.

Have a look at this picture, which has been floating around Facebook lately.

Now move away from the computer, or tilt the screen the right way, and watch him turn into Marilyn Monroe! I have no idea how they do this.

Finally (yeah, not the best effort level from me tonight), we have a lolpresident.

'nuff said.

Thanks for reading, this has been an Azukar Incorporated production. It's back to uni next week, so we'll see how posting goes.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Name's Willow, Mom!

I'm not feeling very funny. I tried to get out of it, but Ronald threatened physical violence.

Unitasker Wednesday at Unclutterer brings us...
The Condiment Gun (Okay, I totally want one!)

And finally... EMO GIRL TALK:

We don't want your corporate processed pizza!

Monday, April 7, 2008


I'm terribly sorry for my absences... I wasn't actually away last Monday, but i was so busy i didn't really have time to post. Life's been keeping me on my toes. Apart from flying interstate every second weekend to work I've had loads of assignments from school, and tones of scripts to learn. Plus I got a new laptop and decided to take my chances with a mac, which turned out not be a good thing as I've just returned the third one they've given me. That's right, three faulty ones in a row. And there still fucking me around. It gives me the shits.
So yeah... here are a few youtube videos you've probably already seen... I know it's lame... I'm sorry.

Nalts is Brilliant
So is Neil
And these two videos - one and two

Hopefully I'll see you again.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Why Have You Forsaken Us?!

Rob has abandoned us for two weeks. He assures me I was told, but I have no memory of it.

Leuke didn't post on Monday either for some reason. Hopefully he will be back on Monday.

Ever have that sinking feeling?

Maybe we should think about some guest LOL-ers for the next two Fridays?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

All Good Things Come in Threes

Coincidence, or Grand Design? I have my own addition to the God-related lol business.

Behold: the astoundingly outrageous political slant of 1940s American comic books!

They've gone meta! Forget "the Jews killed Jesus", in fact it was the killers who killed the Jews who killed Jesus. Yeah. Peopel were not subtle in the WWII era.

In the genre of really dodgy comic book covers, take a long, hard look at these two panels, and see if you can spot the problem.

I took embarrassingly long to get it, as did my housemate. It's worth the effort - you'll burst out laughing when you see it.

Sorry, comic book artist person. You get no prizes from me.

In other news, I'm recently discovered Zero Punctuation. Not a grammatical problem, but instead a British-born, Australian game reviewer who has a muchly hilarious job creating animated reviews for The Escapist magazine. The only video I can embed is one of those he wrote before being signed up by the mag, but it's worth a look.

Go here to watch his other videos. They're updated weekly.

Zero Punctuation reviews "The Darkness" for the PS3

What's that you say? I need a lolcat to round out this edition? Oh, well if you insist...

This is THE best lolcat.

Oh, and I hate library computers. Every time I add a new photo, it puts another line between each of my paragraphs. Try explaining that without a bottle of wine behind your blood-brain barrier.

Okay, I'm done. Go check out sir Punctuation.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Damn You John! Er... Not Literallly...

Well it looks like John just stole my spiritual-lol thunder.

Came across this rather amusing collage:

In other lols... have you heard of all the fiveawesome channels springing up all over YouTube? Here is the best one, in my opinion.

That's probably one of the best videos on there, although you'd only get it if you'd seen a Daxflame video.

In other video lols Karpadiem found two rather good replacements for SteAndKel. It's in video form, of course. Apologies to the people who can't watch video.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Jesus Is Coming -- Look Funny!

I recently had the opportunity to spend some time at St. Johns Anglican Church in Mudgee, NSW.

Not a typical haunt for John, I'll concede. I was there primarily for the Baptism of my cousin.

At one point during proceedings I looked up and saw the following banner on the wall.

Surely I Come Quickly...
(Click Image To See Full Size)

It made me LOL.

Here are some really funny church bulletins and announcements:

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.

Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals. The sermon this morning: “Jesus Walks on the Water.” The sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus.”

Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget your husbands.

The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.

Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say “Hell” to someone who doesn’t care much about you.

Don’t let worry kill you off - let the Church help.

Miss Charlene Mason sang, “I will not pass this way again,” giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.

For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

Barbara remains in the hospital and needs blood donors for more transfusions. She is also having trouble sleeping and requests tapes of Pastor Jack’s sermons.

The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing: “Break Forth Into Joy.”

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.

A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.

That's all for the time being.

I'm going to dedicate this entry to MOSES SHAPIRO.