Thursday, May 1, 2008

And All Their Woodland Friends


It's been another one of those weeks. Like, y'know, the kind I seem to have had every week since university went back. On the other hand - I've started vlogging again! Hoorays! I think I can maintain this format more effectively than the old method, and it's a bit more unique.

Dancing Animals in Love

You pretty much need to see this to believe it. The Vancouver Film School's progeny are a very strange breed...

Charlie the Unicorn

I figure there have to be a few people out there that still don't know the joy that is Charlie and Candy Mountain. For those poor deprived fools, here is the full version. Be sure to watch right to the end...

One more video for y'all is this little semi-gem, in keeping with my Woodland Animal Friends edition of everyone's favourite lol collection. It's Bambi, only... Not.

This last picture never fails to make me smile. Or at least, it hasn't yet. Keep lolling people; see you next week!


John Lacey said...


Does everyone know they did a 2nd Charlie The Unicorn video?

John Lacey said...

Charlie The Unicorn 2